6 steps to earn support of internal stakeholders

 We often think of negotiating with people outside of our organization. But negotiating with internal stakeholders is just as crucial. Skilled negotiators build cross-organizational relationships and make their companies more collaborative and effective in negotiations. They:

 1.      Develop relationships with people who wouldn’t ordinarily work together. Instead of spending time deepening relationships with people you already know, spend time on staying in touch with people in other organizations and business units.

2.      Focus on diversity of positions than the number of people. Focus on people with different skills, levels and responsibilities.

3.      Initiate and keep up an indirect ongoing dialog.  This could be via email. For example, while negotiating with  an external entity, send internal stakeholders an email requesting for their views and Wish List items specific to the negotiation.

4.      Pay special attention to influential players. Do not lose sight of their interests or capacity to affect the deal. Usually, during a time when we need help and support we talk to contacts at our own level. They are unlikely to know more than we do. Instead acquaint yourself with the influential players and seek their support.

5.       Promote collaboration. Help people from cross-functional organizations meet and know each other better; set up common goals, air disagreements, agree on process and build trust.

6.      Surround the Decision Maker.  With the help of the influential players find the key decision maker. Now, leverage your acquaintances and ask them to reach out to the target.  Remind them of the shared goal and remember to offer to help in return.

 These steps will put you as someone who aids collaborative efforts. You will have the internal stakeholder support during most business negotiations.