Get ready for the next “Boom!”

Contemplating in South Beach!

On Nov 20, 2011, I wrote the following:

“While Politicians are still pointing fingers at everything and everyone in sight for the bad economy, we are excited to announce that the “U.S. economic turnaround” is already in full swing! It is happening faster than the so-called ‘Pundits’ think.”

Since the above observation, several positive signs have begun to surface. The unemployment is beginning to move down and housing is edging up. Stodgy companies are adopting advanced technologies and the high-tech companies are offering professional opportunities at a rapid pace.

Americans, immigrants and children of immigrants, come in all colors and shapes but have pretty much the same set of values. America’s “Core Competency” is innovation. Creativity is its competitive and differential advantage. Americans are always curious, enthused and stimulated to accomplish what the rest of the world thinks cannot be done.

In 1970’s electronics, radio, TV and several other products’ manufacturing moved to Japan. In early 1980’s, Taiwan, Japan and China began manufacturing many more products in several industries, from washing machines to earth-movers. These were all invented in the U.S.! In following years, Americans responded with software revolution, communication breakthroughs, and information technology marvels in wide range of industries.

Is America done now? Are you kidding? This is just the beginning of economic and technological “Boom!” Watch out world! Once again, over the next decades, Americans will change the landscape and ground-rules of competition. While other countries are watching, Americans will make space voyages common and numerous health care advances a reality. Parallel parking would be a thing of the past, petroleum companies could go the way of Kerosene oil companies and Internal Combustion engines would be for the museums.

America has the best demographic mix for such a technological and economic boom. Baby boomers are counseling, navigating and funding pioneering endeavors while younger generations are energizing them with their technical savvy, innovative mindset and unconventional thinking.

Here is the key success factor for staying number one – – Education At All Levels. The quality of education in our schools is important, but so is Executive Education for dealing in domestic and global markets. To stay as leaders in the global markets, American businesses need to invest in skills training at all levels of management. Those who have the negotiation and business skills to deal with global entities, will reap the benefits.

Satish Mehta is a co-founder and partner of Swift LLC,, executive coaching and negotiation skills building firm. He is an executive coach and strategy consultant at many medium to large, domestic and global corporations.