Have a constructive dialog

Circular debate during the dialog phase plagues many negotiations. Often, opposing parties struggle to go beyond the issue on the table. The result? Deadlocks, time delays and damaged relationships. You can conquer this and move negotiation forward by doing the following things:

  • Agree on the problem. Develop a clear understanding of how you see the problem and how the other party views the problem. If the parties want to address a problem, they need to see the problem the same way. Many times they do not and ā€œproblem solvingā€ approach does not work.
  • Take a ā€œBreak.ā€ Adjourn the meeting. Tell the other party what you are planning to think and discuss with your team. Suggest to the other party something to discuss and think about.
  • Make a proposal. To move the negotiation forward, this may be the most effective action.

Engage in a constructive dialog. Ask good questions to find out what the other party really wants. Summarize frequently to make sure every dialog ends with a clear understanding of facts, decisions and next steps.

See www.swiftnegotia.com/blog for more tips.Ā