Enjoy the Spring Season!

Finally, Spring is here! It is time to shrug off the winter blues, hop outside and enjoy the weather.  It is also time to spring ahead and invest in yourself. No, I am not talking about rushing to the gym to develop that chiseled body. I am talking about sharpening your negotiations skills.  

 Do you know that the world’s greatest leaders share a common trait? It is their ability to negotiate skillfully. While, some may be born with natural ability, most leaders sharpen their skills over time, usually only after many years of work experience.

 We believe that becoming a better negotiator and therefore exemplary manager or leader starts at SwiftNegotia

 Our workshops have helped thousands of executives structure and negotiate better deals, strengthen relationships, instill a strong team spirit within their company and reach the next level, if not the top-level.  

 Whether you’re an experienced executive or an up-and-coming manager-working in the private or public sector, domestically or abroad-our workshops will help you shape important deals, negotiate in uncertain environments, claim (and create) more value, and resolve seemingly difficult disputes. In short, our workshop will prepare you to achieve better outcomes. 

 There are courses that are taught by several self-proclaimed experts. These experts claim to have literally written books on negotiation skills. That makes them good academicians and authors. Our clients hire us to lead or navigate real deals. 

 At SwiftNegotia workshops are led by professional negotiators.  

 If you’re looking to accelerate and advance your negotiation, decision-making and leadership skills, we urge you to contact us to check out the schedule of public workshops or arrange a customized workshop for your firm exclusively.

 Enjoy your Spring!