Labels, Cults, And Sheep

My friend, Bob, invited me to Tuff n Nuff Rodeo and Bull Riding event in Iowa. Outside the arena, animal sympathizers were protesting. Bob looked at them and shook his head annoyed. “We are Red state conservatives minding our own business. These liberals have nothing better to do.”

Since 2016 elections, most Democrats in the U.S. cannot understand why anyone would vote for Donald Trump. Ask Trump supporters; they can’t believe why anyone wouldn’t vote Republican! Only career politicians change party affiliation, that also rarely. Most voters, follow the labels – Republican or Democrat blindly, and behave as if they were part of a cult, and follow it like sheep. No amount of negotiation or persuasion would help. That is their faith.

“Any negotiation has a limit. Otherwise, war is irrelevant.”
– Toba Beta

Not “Everything” Is Negotiable

Several self-proclaimed experts advertise that “everything is negotiable.” My experience proves otherwise. Others may have built training modules around this bit of wisdom. “Everything is negotiable,” sounds exciting, especially to those that make their living negotiating. However, in the real world, “Not Everything Is Negotiable.” You cannot negotiate principles, beliefs, arguments, morals, personal ethics, and opinions. You can win an argument and trade opinions, but you cannot negotiate them. In some instances, the other party may feel slighted if you win an argument. Subsequently, this could interfere with negotiations.

Click to read more in “The world is a bazaar – Life is a negotiation.”