In negotiations, are you freezing like a deer caught in the headlights?


What do Tom Brady and Michael Phelps have in common? They know how to respond under pressure.

Sports professionals frequently freeze under pressure. However, it is not limited to just sports. It happens in negotiations too.

When asked an unwanted question, I have witnessed negotiators freeze like a deer caught in the headlights. This frequently occurs when the stakes are high, and participants do not want to lose.  It is primarily the fear of failure that makes them choke.

Mostly, people negotiate when there are either incentives or sanctions/ threats. However, incentives and sanctions work only to a point.  If one is too attached to the outcome, the incentives or the sanctions can have a crippling effect.

To avoid “freezing,” always prepare professionally and prepare well. This will help you focus on your objectives, strategy, areas of flexibility, wish list, and the walk-aways. Professional preparation will ensure that you concentrate on the approach and the facts rather than focusing on what is at risk.

In my next issue, I will propose a ‘preparation template’ and a professional way to prepare for your next negotiation.