Practice Kicks Fear

An ability to negotiate skillfully

Anything you are afraid to do, practice doing it. Practice gets rid of fear. With practice, it becomes a habit.

If you’re afraid to play the piano, play a little every day. Learn the notes. Begin with simple music. Play when you are alone. Record yourself. Play a bit more. Every day, tick-tock, tick-tock, a habit.

If you’re afraid to speak up, speak up a little every day. Not to the actors at the Academy Awards event, but someone. Simply, anyone. At a coffee shop. On the street. Anywhere.

If you want to inject success, creativity, and fun in your life, relationships, and work read, “The world is a bazaar – Life is a negotiation. Revised Edition.” One chapter each day. Practice one skill each week. You will learn the most common trait of world statesmen – an ability to negotiate skillfully.

Simplicity is the best beginning.