Novelty Wear Off – Is bloom off the rose?

When smartphones came out, everyone was installing apps indiscreetly. More, the better. Now, users install an app only if it is something they will use frequently.

When the electronic newsletter was a new thing, people subscribed to them by the tens. Now, the newsletters show up unsolicited, and people unsubscribe them by the tens.

Until recently, people put just about anything on Facebook. Many people are questioning the value of staying on Facebook. Podcasts? Same thing. Many are overwhelmed with the number of Podcasts.

With advances in the self-publishing industry, everyone is an author now. People are still reading. They are just a whole lot more selective.

Is this “bloom is off the rose,” phenomena? Is loss of enthusiasm due to novelty wearing off? Nothing new happening? Or, just busy? Some of that may be true. Digging a little deeper may reveal other reasons.

First, the marginal utility decreases once you have what you need. Once I am on LinkedIn, my enthusiasm to be on another Business Social Network does not carry the same intensity.

Second, digesting information is tiring. Going through the routine motions is more natural than learning something new, experimenting with it, and making decisions.

Third, the feeling that “it never ends!” Like the cosmos and the universe, the information and misinformation on the cyberspace are the constant chatter of collective human minds on this planet. It has no end.

Finally, it can disturb the peace of mind and make you angry, abrupt, and sometimes irrational. Before a negotiation or any meeting, avoid listening to the unnecessary noise.

Stay Calm.  


Satish Mehta
Author, Speaker, Coach
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