Brash and Obtuse

One does not have to be in a cult to act like a cult member. It is not a surprise to come across angry, brash, and obtuse people behaving like cult members. However, when people in professional positions act like cult members, it is frustrating, to say the least.

Cult members are rigid, often emotional, and thrive on circular arguments. Facts and logic are difficult concepts for them. They just want to complain. They are not interested in finding solutions.

A well-thought-out proposal infuriates them. Why? By keeping calm and making a rational proposal, you may have not acknowledged their anger.

Ask a cult member to elucidate his stance, and he will hate you for expecting him to explain anything. Show amusement at the untenable position, and he will get mad because being made fun of is his fear.

It is straightforward to find an angry crowd and accept the transitory power that comes from exploiting the dissatisfied. But, is the audience predictable and reliable? It is not.

It is not fun or productive to deal with cult-like people. Whatever you do, though, do not let an angry cult-like member lead anything.

They are not the rule-breakers you want.