Friends and enemies

It is true that in life, the company of friends adds to happiness. However, the same nearness to friends can distract you and make you careless.

Friends focus on and praise your good qualities and strengths. They increase your pride. Spend much time with the fans and supporters who work so hard to help you succeed. It is fun, productive, and likely to make more change happen. However, over time, slowly, you are removed from the truth, facts, and reality.

On the other hand, your enemy will condemn you and broadcast your weaknesses. Should you keep track of the people who say you’re going to fail, who actively work against you? Should you try to win over the haters and those that root against you?

The enemy will compel you to work on yourself, make you careful and alert. Through the enemy, you will be the first to know of any conspiracy against you.

Friendship is life. But if you want to live that life intact, then keep the enemies closer than your friends.

Satish Mehta
Author, Speaker, Coach
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