The Crux

Since the dawn of marketing, professionals have asked simple questions to construct objectives, strategies, and tactics. At the most basic level, the issues haven’t changed.

WHO are you trying to:

? Address?

? Influence?

? Reach?

If the answer is anyone and everyone, you are wasting time and resources. Step back and find your “specific audience.”

WHAT form you are selling the benefit:

? Product/Service?

? Influence?

? Message/Story/living?

? Solution?

HOW will the audience find out:

? Social Media?

? Traditional Media?

? Conventions, Seminars, Events?

? Podcasts/Talks/Word of Mouth?

IS your story or message in sync with their view and create excitement? (What are their beliefs? What do they want?)

WHERE are the gates? What is preventing them from taking action? Under what circumstances will they take action?

WHEN do you think they will take action? Now? Why not ‘later’? Later it is more comfortable.

WHAT will these people tell their circles?

Ask simple but fundamental questions. That is the crux. Rest could be just the trappings. 

Satish Mehta
Author, Speaker, Coach
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