The new framework

We identify ourselves with the job we do. Even if it sucks, a job gives purpose and structure to everyday lives. It pays our bills and makes us feel responsible. We also like to believe that the institution of work is relatively efficient in creating job opportunities and incomes.

These beliefs are silly and belong to the old framework. Discard the obsolete context.

There are not enough jobs to go around. Since the year 2000, the net gain in jobs is zero. The jobs that disappeared in the last two decades are not coming back. Employment that does come back will be robotic, part-time, or minimum wage, where shift varies from week to week, and food stamps are a benefit!

An epoch of economic change with radical outcomes is underway. It is an opportunity for us to adopt a new framework—other than a job.

“What is that new framework?

The fast-moving technologies have made the impossible possible. Tools that were out of reach are readily available, accessible, and frequently free. Today I can videoconference with the touch of a key on several of my devices. Distributed workplaces are replacing the central work environment—work from home or while on the beach. The platform business model has made the capital-intensive supply chain model obsolete in several industries—hospitality, publishing, personal transportation, to name a few.  You do not need to own assets – buildings (Airbnb) or vehicles (Uber). Productivity continues to move forward in giant strides.


You do not have to work 40/60 hours a week. Starting a business while keeping your job or doing a side gig is often sufficient to generate the required income. You don’t need to raid your savings or beg for capital. A self-owned enterprise is the “framework” that will define us.

Coming soon, “The Starters’ Playbook