Time Not

“Sorry, I couldn’t return your call. Man, I am swamped.”

Mostly, this is B.S. People call back or do not call back based upon how important you are to them and the priority they attach to your call. Rarely do they not call back because they have no time.

The same thing applies when you have to start or make something. If you want something strongly enough, you will make the time— irrespective of your other duties.

Making time, I am not talking about all-nighters or fourteen hours a day. I am talking about just a few hours a week. That is all it takes. Instead of staring at your smartphone, checking social media, work on your idea. You do not have to quit your regular job. Just begin working on your endeavor at night.

Once you start doing something, you will determine whether you really want to do it or just a temporary burst of inspiration. Nothing lost. You still have your job.

Then there is the issue of when is the best time in life to start something? Is it when you are young or older? Or, when you are less busy and not outright broke? Or, when the kids are off on their own, and the divorce is final?

Of course, the underlying assumption is that you will be around forever for that perfect time to arrive! The difference between life and death is just one breath. Do not time life. Make time.