Learner Doer

Learning a new skill is possible. You can become a software coder, musician, artist, or author. Just start doing it.

If you are afraid to speak up, speak up a little every day. Not to the actors at the Academy Awards event, but someone. Simply, anyone. At a coffee shop. On the street. Anywhere.

The magic to creating something is to start doing it – taking action.

If you have an idea, act on it. Why? Well, what is the value of an idea without action? How much will you be able to sell it for? Most likely, not much.

Until you start making something, your brilliant idea is just an opinion. And, as the saying goes, “opinions are a dime a dozen.”

Investors know that ideas are plentiful. A concept in the original pitch deck is a small part of the business. The real question?  How well the presenter will execute.

“I had the idea for Amazon. If only I had acted on it. I would be a billionaire!” This is delusional. Having the idea for Amazon has nothing to do with actually creating Amazon.

Coming soon – – Start: The Starters’ Playbook