Five mistakes negotiators often make – mistake number 4 – Not Making a Proposal

Most important trait of successful people
80% of your success depends upon your ability to negotiate

Only proposals advance negotiations. If you have a complaint, propose. If you find yourself in a circular argument, propose to move forward.

Make proposals—state remedies. Be specific and realistic. No need to keep the other side guessing. What is the probability of them guessing what you want accurately? Very little.

To ensure that the other side listens carefully to your complete proposal, present the conditions first and the offers second. The requirements must be specific and stated very clearly. The offers can be less rigid and negotiable.

If the other party is proposing, do not interrupt. Summarize the proposal to the other side to confirm that both the parties are on the same page.

In your response, try to give the other party what they want on your terms. Include their figures and critical items in your counter-proposal.