Four common business negotiation traps

The key to effective business negotiations is a collaborative and cooperative stance. Yet, Negotiation can often become aggressive, adversarial, and even personal, especially if it is a one-time transaction.

In my book, “The World Is a Bazaar: Life is a Negotiation,” I advise on common business negotiation mistakes to avoid:

Seeing Negotiation as win-lose

Collaborative negotiators are willing to understand other parties’ interests and make tradeoffs resulting in more successful deals. When negotiators assume a win-lose situation, it is more likely to become combative and possibly break down. But, it does not mean that all aggressive negotiators are always unsuccessful. 

Over or underestimating your value and power 

Underestimating happens in a business culture where people are always Giving-In. People tend to overestimate their value and power in other situations where they are personally invested. In my two and half day Negotiation Skills workshop, the participants learn how to avoid a power backlash and make good deals. 

Overcommitting to a deal

Understand how to manage your commitment to the deal before agreeing. During the negotiation process, losing sight of what you want and overcommitting to make a deal is easy. A keener understanding of what is valuable to the other side and how committed your counterpart is to the agreement will help you make better choices in the Negotiation.

Suppose you want to accelerate and advance your Negotiation, decision-making, and leadership skills. In that case, I urge you to check out my book here. For the negotiations skills workshop, please email me. 
Let us talk.