Looking for new ways to resolve conflicts and achieve peaceable agreements?

Consider the Negotiation Skills workshop offered by Dhaakar. 

The workshop uses case plays that mimic real-time business situations. You will be familiar with these situations, but they are not about your business. This is because if we make it about your business, you will be just talking about it and not focusing on developing specific skills. 

Dhaakar has been the go-to boutique resource for sales, procurement, and IT professionals for more than ten years to develop negotiation skills. Providing a safe setting for experimentation, the case play method fosters individual and collective learning that can be applied to real-world negotiations. By assessing specific circumstances and deliberating with other players, each participant learns to make decisions and solve problems in new and different ways.

Case Plays are always followed by debriefings in which participants – with the coach’s help – reflect on how the negotiation progressed, what they learned, and how the learnings relate to or diverge from real-life situations. 

Case Plays are introductions to negotiation and conflict resolution tools, techniques, and strategies. The book “World is Bazaar. Life is a Negotiation” is about fundamental yet advanced negotiation skills and conflict management. It is available free to all workshop participants. 

In addition to the corporate clients, the Dhaakar workshop is also helpful for: 

  • For team-building events
  • In-house negotiation training 
  • Mediators and facilitators that want to introduce their clients to the negotiation process
  • Individuals seeking to sharpen their negotiation skills and knowledge

I encourage you to contact satish@dhaakar.com to find out more about the workshop. Ideally, each workshop has six participants, no less than four or more than eight.