Why do negotiators Give-In?

There are several reasons. However, the two most common causes are:

Inadequate understanding of their BATNA (Best Alternative to a Negotiated Agreement). In the preparation phase, negotiators often neglect to explore other options thoroughly. They do not fully understand their BATNA even though it is the best power source to avoid a Give-In.

An aversion to deadlock and a strong desire to reach an agreement under any circumstances. Not knowing their BATNA well, many negotiators bend backward to avoid a stalemate. To them, an impasse can affect their position in the organization negatively. Some negotiators may even blame the negotiation process for no agreement.

Competitive negotiators know these tendencies and use them to their advantage. Faced with a competitive stance, they know their opponents will often set lower Intends or Walk-Aways, and most likely make proposals close to Giving-In.

An inadequate understanding of BATNA and an aversion to a deadlock often leads to Give-In and a less attractive contract.

An ability to negotiate skillfully

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