Is conflict resolution at work always a negative experience? 

“Project or task conflict” is typical in most organizations. It arises when team members debate a task. It is not “personality conflict,” which is about behavioral differences, biases, and egos.

Those who engage in a constructive debate better understand others’ perspectives on issues, motives, priorities, and intents. Such a productive discussion is all about information sharing. And information sharing forms the foundation of any well-thought-out negotiation strategy.

By contrast, those who engage in a circular argument, primarily persuasion, give or get little of the essential information. They are likely to generate negative emotions.

Low task or project conflict levels can positively benefit employees and organizations. It can trigger positive, energizing emotions, greater information sharing, and higher job satisfaction than no conflict.

I would love to hear about your experiences! Please share your stories here.  

Thank you. 

Satish Mehta
Author, Speaker, Coach
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