Five learnings for leaders

Here are five learnings from a leader who has made her company number one in her industry. 

  • Be adaptable and agile.

A leader must change with the constantly changing ground rules of business and adapt to keep her organization at the forefront. It includes changing the strategy to fit new generations of workers (ZGen and Millennials) to adjusting to technological innovations and emerging business models (supply chain to platform). 

A leader of a company more traditional in her approach said the following regarding Remote Work: 

“I hate it. To me, there is no team building. So you must be creative to build the desired team spirit and culture.” 

In today’s market, where Facebook was yesterday, Tik Tok is today, and tomorrow is around the corner, be adaptable and agile or lose market share to your competitors.

  • Decide for the benefit of the organization. 

Investors, coworkers, and customers closely observe and evaluate a leader’s decisions and moves. A leader must fuel confidence with her “organization first” mindset. 

A football coach often limits players’ participation in practice sessions to keep them fresh and avoid injury for the playoffs. Some players may question this decision because it affects their stats. But that sacrifice helps the entire team. 

Exemplary leaders make tough decisions and stand by them to achieve their strategic goals.

  • Learn to deal with multi-culture, multi-generations, and diverse organizations. 

An organization may include GenZ, Millennials, and GenX employees. It may also have a mix of nationalities, mindsets, cultures, and genders. 

An exemplary leader espouses the virtues of the mix. It enhances the leader’s abilities to communicate and negotiate skillfully with global teams and helps develop a global mindset.

  • Be resilient.

When and if you fall, bounce back. Yes. We have heard that before. But how? 

Learn from your failures and mistakes, and not repeat them. The agony of defeat earlier will likely motivate you to try harder and maintain laser focus to perform at the highest level. 

  • Foster the right company culture

Making of an Exemplar, published in 2013 on LinkedIn, still resonates with millennials and GenZ generations. 

 One key reason skillfully crafted strategies, considerable resources of time, and money spent fail is the need for a culture for executing the strategy and plans. 

The leaders of great companies focus on instilling exemplary culture, values, and vision, which positively impacts the company’s performance significantly. If a company has a superior culture but a flawed strategy, the culture will fix it. Result? The leaders of such companies spend their time trying to keep up with the growth. The exemplary culture they build becomes an incubator for outstanding employees – the Exemplars.

I would love to hear about your experiences! Please share your stories here.  

Thank you. 

Satish Mehta

Author, Speaker, Coach


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