When you hire a data scientist, you let her get on with it her way. You don’t stand behind her shoulder, telling her which tool to use, where to focus, and what to not care about. No, you stand aside.

When you let an auto mechanic fix your car, you do it as his shop. You stay in the waiting room and let him do his thing using his knowledge, expertise, and tools. Micromanage not.

You do the same when hiring an established and highly-rated interior decorator. You let her get on with it; you don’t tell her what software to use for the 3D mockup.

In other words, we assume autonomy with the best work and creativity. The same rule applies if you ever have a world-class business with world-class people.

A certain level of autonomy for your people provides them meaningful work, recognition, and access to important people. Without autonomy, you have low morale, a lack of creativity, and a high turnover.

It seems obvious, but often we do not think about it.

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Satish Mehta
Author, Speaker, Coach
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