Users like your product or service. Is that enough?

Just an online product or service availability has limited attraction. The user experience – access, ordering system, payment mechanism, ease of transaction (single or recurring)completion, and supplier options- matters to the customers.

Think less about you being just a service provider or an “app” developer and marketer, and think more about the owner of a platform.

The more providers, the bigger the platform, the more attractive your platform will become to the users. Your customers are the providers of the products and services rather than the ultimate users. The users build their experiential opinions and choose the provider they like.

If you are one of the providers on the platform, it is not enough for the users to love your product or service. They have to love your process and the flexibility of the process as well.

Collaboration with providers for choices for the users is vital. Think open or proprietary business Platform.

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Thank you,

Satish Mehta
Author, Speaker, Coach

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