Delivering meaningful outcomes of leadership

Leaders must be clear about meaningful results and save time doing the right things. Misguided leadership results in wasted human resources. Here are a few signs of successful leadership:

• People respect and leverage each other’s skills and talent.

• Managers at all levels have a sharp and synergistic focus.

• All team members believe their work is meaningful.

• Risk-taking is encouraged, and people feel safe trying new things.

• All organizations enjoy high morale.

• Everyone thinks and commits to “Make it Better or Far Exceed,” and “Good enough” is insufficient.

So, what are the leadership behaviors that deliver meaningful outcomes? Here are a few:

• Define what matters most and what does not matter or matters the least. Help people to do more of what matters the most. Optimize the resource and talent utilization. Remove distractions.

• Recognize progress yet strive to make things better. Ask people, “What can we do to make this better?”

• Give clear and frequent feedback to bring their best. Asking individuals and teams good questions is effective in doing this.

What are your goals? What do you want?

What are you doing to achieve your goals?

What can I do to help you to maximize your potential?

How can we hold each other accountable?

• Show what an individual or team must fix with a focus on better solutions. Address the awkward situations head-on.

This seems wrong. How is it ok with you?

We agreed to do something else. How can we get back on track?

We need to catch up. What can we do to make this better?

• Set SMART (specific, measurable, achievable, realistic, and time-bound) goals jointly.

How might you use past successes as building blocks?

How might you Exceed the goals and reach higher?

When will the next step be done?

Are you challenging yourself? How?

• Coach, coach, and coach. Not dictate.

The real outcomes of leadership are people and teams who live up to their full potential – Making of Exemplars.

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Thank you,

Satish Mehta

Author, Speaker, Coach
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