Be Curious. Learn Continuously.

Health, wealth, happiness, and love. Isn’t that what most people want? However, the definitions may differ.

Whatever the goals are, the journey to get there is important. What is the path? What does it take to construct that path? What successes form the building blocks, and what failures tell us actions not to repeat?

People cite many factors. Who your parents were, where you went to school, whether you are a disciplined and organized person, whether or not you let bad habits get the better of you, and whether or not you got admission into MIT.

I have observed one trait of all ultra-successful people– they are avid learners. They are always curious and continue to learn every day, every which way. Check out the reading habits of nine of the most successful people. Bill Gates is said to read fifty books a year, almost all non-fiction. They got the learning bug somewhere along the line, and it is with them, be they eighteen or eighty.

Whether their field of focus was business, technology, space, science, or the arts, they entertained all possibilities, kept an open mind to the miracles of the universe, and learned. They never stopped. Eventually, they discovered something nobody else had. They made history. Think Einstein, Ramanujan, the Beatles, Edison, and Jobs.

We came with a hiccup, and we will go with a hiccup. But, the journey is most important and is all about “learning.”

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Thank you,

Satish Mehta

Author, Speaker, Coach
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