Fit in or Stand out – it is a choice.

The choice is to Fit in or Stand out. 

Have you noticed a caravan? Everyone is moving in a herd-like manner. It is easy, safe, and predictable. But, moving in a group, you lose your capacity to change. Why? Because you are going on a set, familiar path.

One way to invent a new service or an app is to delete the must-have features others insist a service or an app must have to be worth something. Another way is to build features others say can appeal to only a few.

You may become dominant in a market with insufficient users. But, you will never dominate a market if you stick with the caravan.

Avoid criticism or seek it out. 

Many will resist even relatively minor changes. A change means making an effort to learn.

If you do something groundbreaking, not everyone will understand or value it (at first). Your work has a purpose and is for someone—not everyone. Unless you are surrounded only by your specific audience, you will almost certainly encounter “everyone.” And when you do, “everyone” will make fun of you.

You may do something that works now or build something that works later. 

Whether a change is minor or significant, many will resist. If you believe in it, be patient. Over time, people will adjust. They may even begin liking it more than the old ways.

You may be the only one offering such a feature, service, or app. 

When you define the new app or feature, when the app is you and you alone, your marketing issues disappear. At least, they do if a sufficient share of your specific audience engages with the app.

Follow the playbook or write the playbook.

But, faced with the opportunity to stand out and be the only one offering something, most businesses almost always hesitate, compromise, and dumb it down to play it a little safer. Consider writing the playbook.

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Thank you,

Satish Mehta

Author, Speaker, Coach
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