Clarity and Agility

Lucky are people who have goals. Luckier are those who get or create opportunities to fulfill their goals. But successful are the agile who act to make the best of those opportunities. 

Some say that the life is too short. Well, the work life is shorter. What is the first thing in short supply when you begin working? Time. Agility is essential to do something that matters. 

I know a lovely millennial couple. I always have a wee natter when they stop by my home. The last time they stopped by the subject was time. The young woman was suffering the pains of a business startup – her independent medical practice. The demands of starting a business leave her exhausted to cultivate a social life. Add to the mix are a medical doctor-husband, two dogs (one needing lessons in manners), and demanding elderly parents.  

She asks,” How do others accommodate all this?”

My answer: “They don’t. Starting a business is a time suck. The trick is figuring out what you are good at and creating a team of great people to do the rest. Caveat: Don’t expect turkeys to fly like eagles.” 

We all spend the majority of our lives trying primarily in vain to catch up. Emptying the proverbial “In-Box.” It doesn’t get better when you are successful. Because then, suddenly, everyone wants a piece of “you.” Hiring a bunch of lackeys will only help you a little. It is the “you” the others are paying for, not your minions. Besides, minions are expensive.

You can do anything with enough time, whether designing a product or service platform, expanding the addressable market, or cultivating company culture. It all comes down to the clarity of goals and a deliberate strategy, whether you are a startup or running a billion-dollar business. 

Often, C-levels need Goals and some coaching to set a direction for the future. But they must then construct the path themselves. Dig into the execution. That is when the things happen. 

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Thank you, 

Satish Mehta

Author, Speaker, Coach


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