Curiosity and meaningful innovation

Fundamental innovation happens because someone is curious and willing to do what is impossible to go places no one else wants to go. An inherent, intense curiosity is at the heart of the creative, productive state.

Yet it is an “Input-Output” system.

Inputs are the company you keep, the ecosystem you live in, the books you read or listen to, the movies and shows you watch, the conversations you get excited about, and the events you go to.

And the “outputs?” Those are the results you achieve, ideas, design strategies, words, actions, thoughts, and the products you build.

When I was young, inputs carried more weight. A lot of tangible and intangible stuff was new to me. I needed to soak it in as much as possible from the environment. Then, I can figure out my role and how I want to play it – technologist, entrepreneur, intrapreneur, inspirer, coach, consultant, or just a good human being.

As I grew older, the inputs got narrow with increased responsibilities. It was hard to be an entrepreneur when I traveled internationally for about two weeks a month, negotiating deals while trying to meet my family obligations.

No matter how busy you are, you will still need the inputs. Suppose you are like a piece of furniture at the workplace. You will never get the unique insights or experiences to give you an edge.

There is no one answer to this. It is hard work, trial and error, critical thinking, and agile, intelligent action.

But for meaningful innovation, always be curious.

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Thank you,

Satish Mehta

Author, Speaker, Coach
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