Apathetic Bystander or An Exemplar

I have the power of position or expertise. I can affect the corporate culture. 

I can make you apathetic. I won’t respond to your communication. Dismiss your suggestions. Treat you as irrelevant.  

I will just address the lowest common denominator. Revise the offers to appeal to simpletons. Diminish the need for critical thinking. 

I will focus exclusively on maximizing profit and not worry about the impact.

Making you an apathetic bystander is relatively easy. On the other hand, I can help you become an exemplar. Recognize you for:

  • Doing meaningful things on time, efficiently, and with integrity.
  • Forming networks and teams, creating a commotion, being a change agent, and making change happen.
  • Customizing mass-market items. 
  • Exponentially broadening the market by changing the ground rules of competition. 

It gets more compelling and challenging as you progress from doing it by the rules to making a change happen.

I would love to hear about your experiences! Please share your stories at satishmehtausa@gmail.com. Please forward this knowledge letter to those who could benefit from it. They can subscribe to it here or by clicking on the link below.  

Thank you,

Satish Mehta

Author, Speaker, Coach
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