Give Your Biggest Fans A Story To Tell

You work in New Business Development or Applied Technologies and have an idea.

Are you trying to convince those who ‘don’t get it’ about your idea? Is your strategy to evangelize those who ‘don’t get it’ and then let them sell to the non-believers?

Tangible success comes from finding, connecting, supporting, and broadcasting those who trust and believe in you.

Breakthroughs and new ideas catch on with ‘Word of Mouth’ from one individual to another. It is not you lecturing or pitching to them.

Find your most ardent and effective fans and give them a story to tell.

I would love to hear about your experiences! Please share your stories at Please forward this knowledge letter to those who could benefit from it. They can subscribe to it here or by clicking on the link below.  

Thank you,

Satish Mehta

Author, Speaker, Coach
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