Fail Not in a Negotiation.

You didn’t get what you wanted out of a negotiation. You didn’t even get anything close to what you wanted at the bargaining table. Failure Hurts, right? Of course. In addition to the financial consequences, it could damage your reputation and ego.

But why do negotiations fail? Have you ever thought of that? Several factors can contribute to a negotiation breakdown. Here are the three most common ones.

  • Not preparing properly for the negotiation.

Two things. One, many executives do not prepare at all. They think they are smart enough to successfully wing it. Two, even if they do attempt to prepare, they may not know how to prepare skillfully.

  • Being competitive rather than cooperative.

Most successful negotiators are cooperative. The corollary is not valid. Not all competitive negotiators are always failures.

  • Focusing on emotional issues.

Know the difficult business issues and focus on them. Avoid emotional issues. Refrain from overemphasizing issues where you have disproportionate power.

Most successful leaders share one trait: they can negotiate skillfully. If you want to strengthen your negotiation acumen and trust in my 50 years of successful negotiation experience, read my book, “The World Is A BAZAAR—LIFE IS A NEGOTIATION: Skills to Inject Success, Creativity, and Fun into Your Life, Relationships, and Work.”

Set up Dhaakar’s Negotiation Skills Workshop at your work location. This comprehensive workshop is divided into five extensive, hands-on sessions based on real-life situations.

When failure is not an option, this book and follow-on workshop are what you need. Thousands of executives have participated in the workshop to sharpen their skills. Acquire a negotiation framework that lets you overcome gates, manage conflict, and get better outcomes at the bargaining table every single time. During the two and half day extensive workshop, you will learn how to:

  • Handle difficult negotiations
  • Neutralize threats, lies, and insults
  • Avoid common pitfalls and errors
  • Identify and control your tendencies in the face of conflict
  • Strengthen interpersonal relationships in business
  • Brainstorm possible agreements that may creatively satisfy both parties’ interests
  • Identify opportunities to capture and create value
  • And most importantly, succeed at the bargaining table

For the workshop or deal consulting, contact me at

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Thank you,

Satish Mehta

Author, Speaker, Coach
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