Books for those who want to do stuff! Ignore these books at your own peril.

Lessons learned about writing online or sending a newsletter. 

Attention does not equal sales.

So, you manage to capture the attention of your newsletter subscribers or your online platform connections. The more people open your newsletter or read your post online, the better. But remember, it’s not just about the numbers. It’s about the quality of the connection. Yes, it’s great if it leads to more sales and revenue. But it’s even better if it fosters a community that will buy, support, and engage with you.

It’s not just numbers. It is about engaging and nurturing a community. In the end, the quality of the connection must translate into tangible results.

Engaging and Nurturing the audience has the best ROI.

It is all about the readers. You must first give, give, and give—not as a teacher or master, just as a friend. Respect their time and attention. Don’t hold back. Share everything you know. Do that, and you will grow.

Likes, views, and followers don’t generate cash.

Growing likes, views, and followers could be exciting, but it needs to generate cash. While increasing your following is important, building your network is more critical. You can chase likes or make money by growing your network. Take your pick.

Write to give meaningful value, influence, and help, not to go viral.

My most viral posts added little value to my business. They were entertaining—funny and random thoughts—and did get unbelievable impressions, but they did little to reinforce authority for my brand. Writing must involve teaching, inspiring, and entertaining to influence. It must aim to improve people’s lives, whether personal or professional. This growth and learning journey can truly inspire and empower you.

The 80/20 rule applies (I think it applies to everything in the world).

One random post on LI translated into 40 new followers and two newsletter subscribers, and one helpful, focused post on LI generated 20 more followers and five newsletter subscribers.

Double down on the ones that bring the most value. You do not need likes. You need people.

When creating content, it is crucial to pay attention to what your audience likes the most. Identify and concentrate on the 20% of your efforts that bring 80% of the good results. This way, you can ensure that your content resonates with your audience and provides them the value they seek.

What is for the readers in what you write?

Forget not that most people are self-centered. Some are busy, too. They are not concerned about what you do, your ups and downs. Focus on one:

  1. Ideal reader, e.g., senior manager in an organization.
  2. Primary Challenge, e.g., how to strengthen leadership and negotiation skills?
  3. Good Solution, e.g., Mandatory negotiation and leadership skills training.
  4. Inspiring story, e.g., results achieved after training people at the customer companies.
  5. Compelling call to action.

Deliver a conclusion, a lesson, or a benefit consistently to your reader.

Remember, your feedback is invaluable to me. It helps me understand your needs and improve the content. I would also love to hear about your experiences! Please share your stories at Please forward this knowledge letter to those who could benefit from it. They can subscribe to it here or by clicking on the link below.  

Thank you,

Satish Mehta

Author, Speaker, Coach
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Books by Satish