Stay light. No, even lighter.

Starting out, a business is small, lean, and nimble. It is like a speedboat. Then, you begincollecting stuff, tangible and intangible. You become a yacht, soon to become a cruise ship. The bigger you get, the more energy you need to keep moving or change direction. What makes a business heavy? Long-term commitments – leases, […]

Give your reason, and shut up!

There is usually an excellent reason for something: for doing it, for not doing it. Often we tell the other party this reason. We then think of another idea, and we give that as well. Then a third reason occurs to us, and we add that in for good measure. The problem is that each […]


This book is for those who have never thought of starting a business, to those running an enterprise. It is for those stuck in the rut of the day jobs and dream about getting paid for pursuing their passion.


Discard the old context. Discover the new framework.

Learner Doer

This book is for those who never thought of starting a business, to those running an enterprise, for the die-hard entrepreneurs born to create and lead, and for stable, less intense business owners.
How about dreamers stuck in a rut of day jobs? They dream about getting paid for pursuing their passion. Yes. This book is for them too.


We are the job we do. Even if it sucks, it pays bills. We believe that institution of work is efficient in creating job opportunities.
These beliefs are silly & belong to the old framework. Discard the obsolete context. Discover the new framework.

“Yes, and…” vs. “Yes, but…”

Most successful leaders have one trait in common. It is their ability to negotiate skillfully. Invest in yourself.

Values Leader

We are the job we do. Even if it sucks, it pays bills. We believe that institution of work is efficient in creating job opportunities.
These beliefs are silly & belong to the old framework. Discard the obsolete context. Discover the new framework.