Say “Not” In A Job Interview

This is a follow-on to my November 8 newsletter,  “Negotiating Salary? Interviewing for a new job? Ace it!” It is not necessarily a comprehensive list, just what not to say or do when in an interview. What is your current salary, and what is your salary expectation for this job? This or a variation of […]

Negotiating Salary? Interviewing for a new job? Ace it!

You have an attractive new job opportunity, or maybe an annual performance review meeting, in either situation; the single most trait that is important to the best results is your ability to negotiate skillfully. Unlike in the past, success is not so much about your technical skills or what you know, it is about “how” […]

Email, Phone, or In-Person

Several subscribers and clients have asked me if it is okay to negotiate by email. The answer is ‘Yes’ and ‘No.’ Let me explain. It is essential to recognize where you are in the negotiation process. During the preparation phase, the primary focus is on exchanging preliminary information, setting goals, prioritizing issues and the “Walkaways.” […]

Agree or Walk-Away?

In a negotiation, do not agree when it would not be wise to do so. However, also do not walk away from a mutually beneficial outcome. The “Agreement Trap” is the tendency to agree to a deal that is inferior to other available options.  We sometimes buy from a store even though a significantly better […]

The World Is A Bazaar. Life Is A Negotiation. Revised Edition

Unlike the past, success today is not so much about what you know; it’s about how you communicate. And the “how” is your negotiation skills. Ignore this book at your own peril! Check it out here.

A Pig In The Python

The Millennials claim that they are staring at the scariest financial future of any generation since the great depression. The Millennials point to the faulty strategies and bad judgments made by the Baby Boomers. Talk to a Baby Boomer, it is all the Millennials’ fault. The Baby Boomers assert that Millennials are apathetic to politics. […]

An ability to negotiate

Master your work setting. Strengthen and relish business and personal relationships. Generate higher income and accumulate wealth. Reduce conflict at work and at home. That person who is driving everyone nuts at your workplace,  belligerent, bitter, and defiant…you know precisely how to deal with the person. Not only can you successfully deflect the attacks on you, but you […]

Life is a Negotiation

Observe, and you will discover that the Life is a negotiation. You negotiate with your family members, your colleagues, your suppliers, your customers, even your business competitors, the list goes on. If you have attended two days workshop or read my book, you probably have many of the tools you need to negotiate effectively. Just […]