Your grandchild for my dog?

  Living in suburban New Jersey, we had a purebred golden retriever. She was two years old and would sit on a large boulder in our front yard. Children walking on the sidewalk would point at her and call her “Lion King!” Her actual name was Sona (which in Indian language means “gold”). All this was […]

The World Is A Bazaar – Life Is A Negotiation

  Unlike the past, success today is not so much about what you know; it’s about how you communicate. And the “how” is your negotiation skills. You may already have – or, believe you have – a significant “what.” But you have to make yourself listened to amidst the noise of millions of other voices; […]

Creating and Claiming Value in Negotiations

Work place or life in general is full of negotiating opportunities – be it with your supervisor, spouse, customers or peddler in Egyptian bazaar! Let’s talk about customers here. You are an effective negotiator if you can convince the customer to willingly say yes, and mean it, to a proposal that also meets all your […]

Making of an Exemplar

“Culture Eats Strategy for Breakfast,” a remark attributed to Peter Drucker and popularized in 2006 by Mark Fields, president of Ford Motor Company, where it continues to hang in the company?s War Room. Many business leaders quote it. But, do they really understand the profound message implicit in the quote? Most C-levels and their lieutenants are obsessed […]

How to get most out of your training budget? – Part I

Globalization of economies is well under way. International travel is routine. People are getting accustomed to distant cultures. And of course, global commerce and competition are greater than ever. As the world is shrinking to “tiny”, most companies recognize that training is a vital part of staying competitive in this dynamic marketplace.  The question is: […]

Alliances and Joint Ventures

Strategic Alliances and Joint Ventures In 2005, Thomas L. Friedman wrote the bestseller: The World is Flat: A brief history of the twentieth century. He analyzed the globalization, primarily in the early 21st century. The book raised my curiosity and interest in understanding the dynamics of global economies and their implications. I observed that since […]

Creating and Claiming Value in Negotiations

Work place or life in general is full of negotiating opportunities – be it with your supervisor, spouse, customers or peddler in Egyptian bazaar! Let’s talk about customers here. You are an effective negotiator if you can convince the customer to willingly say yes, and mean it, to a proposal that also meets all your […]

Enjoy the Spring Season!

Finally, Spring is here! It is time to shrug off the winter blues, hop outside and enjoy the weather.  It is also time to spring ahead and invest in yourself. No, I am not talking about rushing to the gym to develop that chiseled body. I am talking about sharpening your negotiations skills.    Do you […]