Entries by SatishmehtaUSA

Recognize the Face Issue

  Sometimes in negotiation, we are forced to deal not only with the issues on the table but also with concerns about keeping face. One famous instance took place in the late 1990s, when John K, the Asia-Pacific regional sales manager of Lucent, mistakenly agreedĀ to a sale price of the network monitoring system to a […]

Tell Them And Build Trust

An American cable TV equipment company and a Taiwanese company signed a joint-venture agreement to design and manufacture cable TV equipment for sale in ASEAN countries.Ā The American firm was supposed to supply the technology; the Taiwanese partner would build and market the products.Ā Once per quarter on average, an Australia-based American executive would visit the ventureā€™s […]

Strengthen Trust. Put It In Writing!

  Good old times! We could make ā€œhand-shakeā€ deals. Some business people take pride in making ā€œhand-shakeā€ deals. Such deals, to them, are based on the ā€œhonorā€ system. Both sides are expected to honor their commitments as per the agreement. When the misunderstandings surface, they often are disappointed and surprised to learn that not all […]