The only lousy time-off is the one you don’t take.

Woodworking or playing harmonica recharges your mental and physical batteries more effectively than watching geriatrics win elections.

Doing something different

Symptoms to look out for

Do you know that the world’s greatest leaders share a common trait?

It is their ability to negotiate skillfully. While some may be born with natural ability, most leaders sharpen their skills over time, usually only after many years of work experience. Master your work setting, strengthen and relish business and personal relationships, generate higher income, and accumulate wealth. Reduce conflict at work and home. That person […]

Three errors to avoid in contract writing

Three deal writing errors to avoid

Looking for new ways to resolve conflicts and achieve peaceable agreements?

A must trait for all successful and successful wannabees.

Could a newsletter strengthen your career?

If it’s the Negotiation newsletter, it could. Every month you’ll receive an issue featuring real-life examples and proven techniques that can help you gain a competitive edge in your business and personal negotiations. From someone who trains business executives and has negotiated worldwide, the Negotiation newsletter shows you how to get deals done, solve problems, […]

Four common business negotiation traps

The most common trait of all successful leaders is their ability to negotiate skillfully.

Five mistakes negotiators often make – Mistake 3

Most successful leaders have on trait in common. It is their ability to negotiate skillfully.