
What is meaningful to you? What do you expect in return?Recognition?Access to prominent people?Valuable content?A sizable material gain? Your customers most likely have similar wants—recognition, access to prominent people, valuable content, and possibly a material benefit. The meaningful activity does not have to be a pioneering work like Uber that radically changed the taxi business. […]

Yes or No

Let some customers outgrow you …

Culture. What culture?

“Culture eats strategy…”


“What do you do?”“Oh, I am an entrepreneur.”“Yeah. So, what do you do?”You see where I am going with this. Some labels are bland and meaningless. The title “entrepreneur” sounds as if a person is like a ship without a rudder. Some people got creative and began calling individual employees within the womb of a […]


Millennials and Gen Z have made the cliché, work smarter, not harder real.


Who are self-leaders? The self-leaders lead and manage their own work. They set their own goals, timelines, and work hours. They do everything that an adept manager does to execute and complete a project. So, what’s the difference?  They do everything themselves for themselves. A Self-leader heads an organization of one. Once they know the […]

Big vs. Good

“Tell me something about your company.” “Well, we are a construction company with over 6000 employees.”  “Wow! nice!” Compare the above with this. “Well, I am a one-man-band working out of my home.” There is a pause, a smile, and maybe, “nice.” Why is “big” more impressive? Why is expansion always the goal?  Many giant […]

Forecasts and plans

All longer than one-year projections are guesses. Waste no time on false precision….