Invest in yourself

Oh! The winter blues. It is temporary, I promise. While you are waiting for the Spring, just shrug off the restlessness and invest in yourself. No, I am not talking about rushing to the gym to develop that chiseled body. I am talking about sharpening your negotiations skills. Do you know that the world’s greatest […]

The Two Pigs In The Python

Seventy-five million Baby Boomers and seventy-six million Millennials are the two “pigs in the python,” causing massive disruptions as they go through successive stages of life. But, they are not too crazy about each other. Why? Many Millennials believe that they are facing the most frightening financial future of any generation since the great depression. […]

The “Bullhorn Effect!”

In the baby boomer era, women would ignore or laugh off the sexual innuendos. Men deemed such behavior “normal.”

“What’s Wrong?” “Nothing.”

Jerry owned hotels and warehouses. As a hands-on owner, he left home early and came back late. After his divorce, Jerry realized that he should have recognized his wife’s unexpressed conflict. Often when he came back, his ex-wife would be quiet and ignore him. The conversation would be something like:

Jerry: “what’s wrong?”
Jane: “Nothing.”
Jerry: “Why are you so quiet?”
Jane: “You should know.”
Jerry: “I should know what?”
Jane: “I am not telling.”

In this circular dialog, one of them needs to propose to move the conversation forward.

Labels, Cults, And Sheep

My friend, Bob, invited me to Tuff n Nuff Rodeo and Bull Riding event in Iowa. Outside the arena, animal sympathizers were protesting. Bob looked at them and shook his head annoyed. “We are Red state conservatives minding our own business. These liberals have nothing better to do.” Since 2016 elections, most Democrats in the […]

Your grandchild for my dog?

  Living in suburban New Jersey, we had a purebred golden retriever. She was two years old and would sit on a large boulder in our front yard. Children walking on the sidewalk would point at her and call her “Lion King!” Her actual name was Sona (which in Indian language means “gold”). All this was […]

Creating and Claiming Value in Negotiations

Work place or life in general is full of negotiating opportunities – be it with your supervisor, spouse, customers or peddler in Egyptian bazaar! Let’s talk about customers here. You are an effective negotiator if you can convince the customer to willingly say yes, and mean it, to a proposal that also meets all your […]

Making of an Exemplar

“Culture Eats Strategy for Breakfast,” a remark attributed to Peter Drucker and popularized in 2006 by Mark Fields, president of Ford Motor Company, where it continues to hang in the company?s War Room. Many business leaders quote it. But, do they really understand the profound message implicit in the quote? Most C-levels and their lieutenants are obsessed […]