Negotiating Online

You may write a thoughtful email. But what if the other side needs to read or understand it carefully due to language and terminology differences?

3 Negotiation strategies to end disputes

Avoid expensive deadlock and possible litigation. Create value.

Four characteristics of successful proposals

Here are a few signs your proposals might need improvement: 

You consistently score lower than expected on RFPs.
You’re mostly copying and pasting from past proposals (with little customer focus).
If you open your submission to a random page and read a paragraph, it isn’t clear who the customer is or what they need. 
Your win rate is less than 50%. 

If you experience the above, it may be time to work on your content to align with successful proposals more closely. 

Having tough conversations

A step-by-step approach

5 Common RFP Response Mistakes and the Fixes

For more go to

The First Right of Refusal

5 Guidelines for reviewing contracts