Negotiate to instill a vision

Most common trait of all successful leaders is their ability to negotiate skillfully

Cultural differences in internal negotiations

Most people assume cultural differences are between negotiators from two or more different companies or countries. Reality? Cultural differences exist between functional groups within a business, large or small. The business development team often complains that the technical organization is infatuated with a “maybe winner” rather than improving “proven winners” to win big. They argue […]

Agility, not haste.

Mind chattering is the continuous narrative going on in our heads. It is the raw material for Sci-Fi writers. The Moon landing: Jules Verne’s 1865 novel From the Earth to the Moon depicted three people being sent to the Moon in a spacecraft from Florida – with some similarities to the actual mission 104 years […]

Why should those you are supposed to lead follow you?

Soft skills; are the hard skills.

Why do negotiators Give-In?

An ability to negotiate / communicate is the primary trait of all leaders

Do you know that the world’s greatest leaders share a common trait?

It is their ability to negotiate skillfully. While some may be born with natural ability, most leaders sharpen their skills over time, usually only after many years of work experience. Master your work setting, strengthen and relish business and personal relationships, generate higher income, and accumulate wealth. Reduce conflict at work and home. That person […]

Three errors to avoid in contract writing

Three deal writing errors to avoid

Looking for new ways to resolve conflicts and achieve peaceable agreements?

A must trait for all successful and successful wannabees.