Make Preparing for Negotiation, your Bitch! – Sample Preparation Sheet

In negotiations, are you freezing like a deer caught in the headlights?

  What do Tom Brady and Michael Phelps have in common? They know how to respond under pressure. Sports professionals frequently freeze under pressure. However, it is not limited to just sports. It happens in negotiations too. When asked an unwanted question, I have witnessed negotiators freeze like a deer caught in the headlights. This […]

Oh! The Winter Blues

Oh! The winter blues. It is temporary, I promise. While you are waiting for the spring, just shrug off the restlessness and invest in yourself. No, I am not talking about rushing to the gym to develop that chiseled body. I am talking about sharpening your negotiations skills. Do you know that the world’s greatest leaders […]

The Non-compromising battle between compromising Democrats and compromising Republicans

Americans love sports yet recognize the necessary flexibility in negotiating (trading) and therefore, are proficient compromisers. For instance, the Democratic Party is a fair compromise between Socialism and Practicality. The Republican Party is a reasonable compromise between Dictatorship and Neo-Liberalism. The Bernie Sanders Progressives are a decent compromise between radical liberalism and Reagan conservatism. The […]

Ask Good Questions

This is the third issue of the three-part knowledge letter on how to negotiate in a job interview. To see the earlier two parts, please click here. In the mid-1980s, “strategic planning” was the “IN” thing in corporate America. Many prominent academicians wrote books and articles in several high profile magazines. A senior executive of […]

Say “Not” In A Job Interview

This is a follow-on to my November 8 newsletter,  “Negotiating Salary? Interviewing for a new job? Ace it!” It is not necessarily a comprehensive list, just what not to say or do when in an interview. What is your current salary, and what is your salary expectation for this job? This or a variation of […]

Negotiating Salary? Interviewing for a new job? Ace it!

You have an attractive new job opportunity, or maybe an annual performance review meeting, in either situation; the single most trait that is important to the best results is your ability to negotiate skillfully. Unlike in the past, success is not so much about your technical skills or what you know, it is about “how” […]

Email, Phone, or In-Person

Several subscribers and clients have asked me if it is okay to negotiate by email. The answer is ‘Yes’ and ‘No.’ Let me explain. It is essential to recognize where you are in the negotiation process. During the preparation phase, the primary focus is on exchanging preliminary information, setting goals, prioritizing issues and the “Walkaways.” […]