Lessons learned about writing online or sending a newsletter. 

Do you know why you are writing online or sending a newsletter? Is your blog written in book format or diary?

Kitchen Helper.

My friend declared his independence from the corporate world and opened a full-service (casual dining) restaurant in Florida. He hired two Kitchen Helpers who ensured the kitchen had a steady supply of clean plates, bowls, silverware, pots, pans, and glasses.  Driving back from a good meal at his restaurant, it struck me that having someone […]

Worthless Plans. Indispensable Planning.

Plans may become irrelevant. Yet, the process of planning is indispensable.

Give Your Biggest Fans A Story To Tell

Find, connect, support, and broadcast those who trust and believe in you.

Are Your Customers “Trapped?”

When you start a small business, engage in free-market competitive thinking, and when you have a “trapped” customer base, act like you don’t.

Apathetic Bystander or An Exemplar

It gets more compelling and challenging as you progress from doing it by the rules to making a change happen.

Decision Making Simply Put

The Starters’ Playbook

Novice or An Expert?

Knowledge is the essence of intelligent action.