Leadership Skills

Blog Posts by Satish Mehta

Find your art and do more of it.

Recently, I attended a short film contest and made two exciting but unsurprising observations. Is it strange that people loved it when they thought a human made it? The moment they discovered AI wrote it, it wasn’t so special.  The mindset tells us much about what we value. We value the artist’s consciousness, creativity, expression, […]

Countering the Three Causes of Resistance in a Negotiation.

Often, while negotiating, you will face resistance. Resistance is inevitable. Hard persuasion increases resistance, but giving in sets a precedent for suboptimal results. Understanding and removing the three leading causes of resistance (listed below) is critical to resolving the conflict. Any negotiation has a consistent, underlying structure—a map of the negotiating landscape. Once the participants of the Dhaakar […]

How to have a conversation that makes you anxious.

Worthless Plans. Indispensable Planning.

Plans may become irrelevant. Yet, the process of planning is indispensable.

Culture Vs. Strategy.

Are you getting wholehearted support from the employees?

These ten traits will zoom the support from your employees and you will see your company culture strengthen.

Does senior management value what you do?

Frame what you do in context of value to the organization.

Three ways to open up as a leader.

Ignore books by satish at your own peril.

Fail Not in a Negotiation

Most successful leaders share one trait: they can negotiate skillfully.

Is the C-Level candidate smart?

Signs of an intelligent Leader.

Strengthen Your Mentoring Program

The mentor-mentee relationship is one of give-and-take. For a list of do’s and don’ts, refer to the article “Mentors and Mentees.” To learn how to give or receive feedback, go to “Feedback and Mentoring.”

COO – the “Secret Weapon,” – 3 of 3 parts – Plan to enact the vision.

A vision without a plan is just a wish. Any meaningful progress is unlikely to happen. A well-thought-out plan of action is essential for moving forward. To build out a robust strategy, COOs should ask themselves: