Leadership Skills

Blog Posts by Satish Mehta

Curiosity and meaningful innovation.

Always be curious.

Relentless Repetition

Underestimate not the power of repeating the mission statement.

Discard the obsolete context.

We identify ourselves with the job we do. Even if it sucks, a job gives purpose and structure to everyday life. It pays our bills and makes us feel responsible. We also like to believe that the institution of work is relatively efficient in creating job opportunities and incomes.

These beliefs are silly and belong to the old framework.

Clarity and agility

goals, opportunities and agile action.

Board helping Technology and IT organization.

Let tail not wag the dog. Help Technology and IT move in step with the business needs.

Fit in or Stand out – it is a choice.

Consider writing the playbook.

Making a better version of the current enterprise

Agile Strategic Planning

Achieve desired goals with agility and avoid wasting time and resources.

Be Curious. Learn Continuously.

We came with a hiccup, and we will go with a hiccup. But, the journey is most important and is all about “learning.”

Understanding “Quality.”

Avoid confusions related to Quality

Delivering meaningful outcomes of leadership

The real outcomes of leadership are people and teams who live up to their full potential – Making of Exemplars.

Earning the title of “leader.”

Most people I speak with think the U.S. faces a leadership crisis. Some prominent business leaders keep company with Congress and the media in the basement of public confidence.