Negotiations Skills Training

Most leaders in business or other fields have one trait in common: their ability to communicate and negotiate skillfully. Negotiating skillfully is the key to getting ahead in the workplace, resolving conflicts, creating value in contracts, and maintaining solid relationships.

Here are a few reasons to build negotiation and leadership skills as a corporate capability. 

  • Personal and professional development through learning opportunities is one of the top three motivators for employees.
  • To resolve conflicts and ease tensions at the bargaining table and workplace for cohesive teams.
  • Manage external, uncontrollable adversity with the least possible impact and grow through all economic times.
  • Create immediate, measurable benefits and a long-term, permanent change in behavior.
  • Greater than 10x short-term positive impact on the bottom line with better deals faster.
  • Flexible and customized training for you by Dhaakar.

As with any skill, there is no shortcut to improvement. The only way to get better at a skill is to understand the process and practice, practice, practice.

Some of the skills the participants learn are how to:

  • Recognize when negotiating is best for resolving a conflict
  • Understand the “4 Phases” which map the negotiating landscape
  • Use phases to manage the process in real situations for faster and better deals
  • Understand and practice the skills associated with each step
  • Make and respond to complaints or out-of-contract service requests
  • Make and respond to a laundry list of additional requests or demands
  • Improve listening skills and ask good (right) questions
  • Use and defuse aggression and confrontation
  • Handle and use the deadlock
  • Use and respond to the most common negotiating tactics
  • When and how to take adjournments
  • Use the skills of team negotiating
  • Build “partnering relationships.” Content Being Updated!

Leadership and Vision

Vision is the essential ingredient for successful leadership. Nobody will follow you unless you clearly understand where you want to lead your organization. If your vision is compelling, people will apply their best thinking and effort to make it real regardless of the obstacles or opposition you face.

With Dhaakar leadership coaching, you will learn:

  • How do you craft that vision?
  • How do you get others on board?
  • How do you put that vision into practice at every level of your organization?


Content Being Updated


This coaching is for those who never thought of starting a business, for those running an enterprise, for the die-hard entrepreneurs born to create and lead, and for stable, less intense business owners.

How about dreamers stuck in a rut of day jobs? They dream about getting paid for pursuing their passion. Yes. This coaching is for them too.

We identify ourselves with the job we do. Even if it sucks, a job gives purpose and structure to everyday life. It pays our bills and makes us feel responsible. We also believe that the institution of work is relatively efficient in creating job opportunities and incomes.

These beliefs are silly and belong to the old framework. Discard the obsolete context. An epoch of economic change with radical outcomes is underway. It is an opportunity for us to adopt a new framework—other than a job.

What is that new framework?

Fast-moving technologies have made the impossible possible. Tools that were out of reach are readily available and accessible – I can videoconference with the touch of a key. Distributed workplaces are replacing the central work environment—working from home or on the beach. The platform business model has made the capital-intensive supply chain model obsolete in several industries—hospitality, publishing, and personal transportation, to name a few. You do not need to own assets – buildings (Airbnb) or vehicles (Uber). Productivity is moving forward in giant strides.


You can work less than 40 plus hours a week. Starting a business while keeping your job or doing a side gig is often sufficient to generate the required income. You do not need to raid your savings or beg for capital. A self-owned enterprise is the “framework” that has begun defining us.

Let us help you with your startup.