Tag Archive for: alliances

Get ready for the next “Boom!”

On Nov 20, 2011, I wrote the following: “While Politicians are still pointing fingers at everything and everyone in sight for the bad economy, we are excited to announce that the “U.S. economic turnaround” is already in full swing! It is happening faster than the so-called ‘Pundits’ think.” Since the above observation, several positive signs […]

6 steps to earn support of internal stakeholders

 We often think of negotiating with people outside of our organization. But negotiating with internal stakeholders is just as crucial. Skilled negotiators build cross-organizational relationships and make their companies more collaborative and effective in negotiations. They:  1.      Develop relationships with people who wouldn’t ordinarily work together. Instead of spending time deepening relationships with people you […]

In Negotiations, Speak Up. Part II

In Part I, we presented the rationale to speak up in a negotiation. We will now discuss steps that can increase the odds that your conflicts will lead to productive dialog than circular debates. Go in with a Positive attitude In his executive negotiation workshops, Mike Milich, executive coach at SwiftNegotia, talks about cooperative behavior vs. competitive behavior. Cooperative […]

In Negotiations, Speak Up

Is it better to stay quiet, swallow the wrong or express yourself and take a stand? While there may not be one universal answer for all situations, in general most negotiators will benefit if they clearly and specifically expressed themselves. Many negotiators will remain silently frustrated because they want to avoid conflict, worrying too much about […]