Tag Archive for: American Dream

Degrees and schools

What does a college degree do for you? Does it open the door for meaningful work? What is the future of education? The 2018 college graduates carried an average debt of $33,654. For most young people, this debt is unbearable. Instead of enthused about the future, often, they slide into depression. Compared to the students […]

Novelty Wear Off – Is bloom off the rose?

When smartphones came out, everyone was installing apps indiscreetly. More, the better. Now, users install an app only if it is something they will use frequently. When the electronic newsletter was a new thing, people subscribed to them by the tens. Now, the newsletters show up unsolicited, and people unsubscribe them by the tens. Until […]

Making of an Exemplar

“Culture Eats Strategy for Breakfast,” a remark attributed to Peter Drucker and popularized in 2006 by Mark Fields, president of Ford Motor Company, where it continues to hang in the company?s War Room. Many business leaders quote it. But, do they really understand the profound message implicit in the quote? Most C-levels and their lieutenants are obsessed […]