Tag Archive for: Business

Chatter and Intelligence

  Mind chattering is the continuous narrative going on in our heads. Some scholars call it a bug. That may be a hasty assessment. Mind chatter is the raw material for Sci-Fi writers. France wants to hire the creatives to imagine how the future could go wrong so that the nations can stay one step […]

“Critical Thinking, Intelligent Action,” In Negotiation

Let us face it. Life is a negotiation. You negotiate with your spouse, your children, your colleagues, even your commercial alliances and competitors… the list goes on. If you have read, “The World Is A BAZAAR – LIFE IS A NEGOTIATION – Skills to inject success, creativity, and fun in your life, relationships, and work,” […]

Managing status in negotiation, Part V

Finally, before and during negotiation, learn from similar situations in your or a different industry. What did the parties do to achieve favorable outcomes? A franchisor haggling on price can present a tremendous negotiating opportunity for the marketing company. The marketing company can give an acceptable discount in exchange for a longer contract term with […]

Negotiating with difficult people, Part V

When your boss makes an inconsiderate request, you need to speak up and say no respectfully. You want your client’s procurement head to know that you value his business, also while you ask him to stop demeaning you for the excellent business relationship. How do you let your opponent save face and view the outcome […]

Life is a negotiation. Succeed everyday.

Let’s face it. Life is a negotiation. Now, imagine Yourself succeeding every day.  When you read Trends, Topics, and Tactics, you learn how to: Bring a protracted bargaining process to a stop with a “close” move. Ask, “What would it take to get this done right now?” Establish the other party’s position and expose any […]

Make Preparing for Negotiation, your Bitch! – Sample Preparation Sheet

In negotiations, are you freezing like a deer caught in the headlights?

  What do Tom Brady and Michael Phelps have in common? They know how to respond under pressure. Sports professionals frequently freeze under pressure. However, it is not limited to just sports. It happens in negotiations too. When asked an unwanted question, I have witnessed negotiators freeze like a deer caught in the headlights. This […]

Email, Phone, or In-Person

Several subscribers and clients have asked me if it is okay to negotiate by email. The answer is ‘Yes’ and ‘No.’ Let me explain. It is essential to recognize where you are in the negotiation process. During the preparation phase, the primary focus is on exchanging preliminary information, setting goals, prioritizing issues and the “Walkaways.” […]