Tag Archive for: Contracts

Email, Phone, or In-Person

Several subscribers and clients have asked me if it is okay to negotiate by email. The answer is ‘Yes’ and ‘No.’ Let me explain. It is essential to recognize where you are in the negotiation process. During the preparation phase, the primary focus is on exchanging preliminary information, setting goals, prioritizing issues and the “Walkaways.” […]

Agree or Walk-Away?

In a negotiation, do not agree when it would not be wise to do so. However, also do not walk away from a mutually beneficial outcome. The “Agreement Trap” is the tendency to agree to a deal that is inferior to other available options.  We sometimes buy from a store even though a significantly better […]

Jointly Creating and Claiming Value in Sustainable Way

In an executive training workshop at a Fortune 100 company, one of the procurement executives claimed himself to be an excellent negotiator. He supported his claim by adding that due to his tough stances and tactics, close to half of his suppliers have gone out of business! I will let you decide about the efficacy […]

The World Is A Bazaar – Life Is A Negotiation

  Unlike the past, success today is not so much about what you know; it’s about how you communicate. And the “how” is your negotiation skills. You may already have – or, believe you have – a significant “what.” But you have to make yourself listened to amidst the noise of millions of other voices; […]

How to get most out of your training budget? – Part I

Globalization of economies is well under way. International travel is routine. People are getting accustomed to distant cultures. And of course, global commerce and competition are greater than ever. As the world is shrinking to “tiny”, most companies recognize that training is a vital part of staying competitive in this dynamic marketplace.  The question is: […]

Creating and Claiming Value in Negotiations

Work place or life in general is full of negotiating opportunities – be it with your supervisor, spouse, customers or peddler in Egyptian bazaar! Let’s talk about customers here. You are an effective negotiator if you can convince the customer to willingly say yes, and mean it, to a proposal that also meets all your […]

Have a constructive dialog

Circular debate during the dialog phase plagues many negotiations. Often, opposing parties struggle to go beyond the issue on the table. The result? Deadlocks, time delays and damaged relationships. You can conquer this and move negotiation forward by doing the following things: Agree on the problem. Develop a clear understanding of how you see the […]

Creating and Claiming sustainable value in negotiations

Work place or life in general is full of negotiating opportunities – be it with your supervisor, spouse, customer or peddler in Egyptian bazaar! Well, let’s talk about customers here. You are an effective negotiator if you can persuade the customer to say yes, and mean it, to a proposal that also meets all your […]