Tag Archive for: COO

“Yes, and…” vs. “Yes, but…”

In her book, Improvisation for the Theater, Viola Spolin leads the actors through games and exercises that dynamically connect the players. What one player does and says is immediately sensed and responded to by the other player. And that, in turn, creates a spontaneous response in the first player. The players accept each other’s actions […]

Now or later

The quotes by world statesmen may be confusing without the right context. “There is more to life than increasing its speed.” – Gandhi “Never leave that till tomorrow which you can do today.” – Benjamin Franklin The tendency is to follow the most straightforward and comfortable path. But, almost always, the more robust way is the right […]

Salt in butter

It is tempting to invest resources and develop plans to grow and have a controlling position in your market. “Lock-in” contracts, specific terms and conditions, sticky services—there are countless ways we can make a customer move to a competitor disruptive. While these tactics can be hugely profitable (lower customer churn, recurring revenue, higher company value), […]

Give your reason and shut up!

There is usually an excellent reason for something: for doing it, for not doing it. Often we tell the other party this reason. We then think of another idea, and we give that as well. Then a third reason occurs to us, and we add that in for good measure. The problem is that each […]

To Listen or Not Listen…

Knowing what you need to know is essential to negotiating well and deriving a better result. So, ask the right questions and then listen to the answers carefully. Every major negotiation, domestic or international, succeeds or fails because people chose to listen or not listen to the other side. When not listening, most likely, they are also […]

The problem, Pain, and Price

“Let’s set up a conference call. We are not too thrilled with your customer service and support. And, of course, we will see if we want to continue to spend this kind of money. We will discuss our contract at the meeting.” This was the call my client received from a significant customer of his […]

Assumptions, Expectations, and Reality

As a negotiator, do not inadvertently create a competitive environment or transfer power to the opponent.  Sounds simple. Not. Why not? Because it is linked to your behavior. Your behavior based on assumptions you have made and the expectations you have created on the other side. Expect the opponent to be competitive, the other party will become […]

Friends and enemies

It is true that in life, the company of friends adds to happiness. However, the same nearness to friends can distract you and make you careless. Friends focus on and praise your good qualities and strengths. They increase your pride. Spend much time with the fans and supporters who work so hard to help you […]